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Meet Rose Staram: Determined Business owner and Dog Mom

We had the good fortune of connecting with Rose Staram and we’ve shared our conversation below.Hi Rose, what habits do you feel helped you succeed?
The best habits that have helped me succeed are small everyday things that we take lightly in life. Things like waking up a little earlier to work out, make up your bed and meal prep for the day set the tone for how everything will work out that day. Doing things in an organized manner will help you get more done and timely. If your daily habits consist of organization and repetition you will def get more value out of your day and succeed in your task.

What should our readers know about your business?
We specialize in creating meaningful moments, working with organizations to formulate, implement and execute a seamless, memorable and impactful experience for speakers, attendees and the media. We deliver tailored, top-to-bottom management solutions and produce scalable, high-impact events from concept to completion.
RoseMark has produced top-tier, television-ready events across the world, from intimate film screenings to massive, front page campaign rallies. No matter the scale, timeline, or obstacles, RoseMark has the right team for the job.
We are most proud of our biggest event to date the Inauguration of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris. We were hired to be the General Production Contractors. We employed nearly 35 people and had an extremely large budget to manage. This event has proven that given the opportunity a black owned, female company can hang with the big boys.
I have learned many lessons along the road and I’m just getting started. Speak up for yourself, advocate for yourself and most importantly keep a positive mindset. No is what I expect before a yes but that never stops me from asking and asking and asking for opportunities. Think of the greatest thing and go for it! Never limit yourself or make excuses. Everyday is a new day to be better and recreate yourself. Who cares about yesterday, its all about today!
I want people to know I didn’t have it easy as a child or young adult. I battled with obesity, poverty and a learning disability. I am no way perfect and have my struggles daily but the one thing I didn’t do is allow those things to stop me. I used my challenges as a stepping stone to work harder. I want people to understand when you hire RoseMark Production your hiring a diverse firm with real life people and real life stories. We are women, we are black and we are freaking awesome!
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Any places to eat or things to do that you can share with our readers? If they have a friend visiting town, what are some spots they could take them to?
I would take my best friend to Africa, we would vacation on the coast. We would stay at an awesome hotel overlooking the ocean. We would eat fresh foods daily. Hike every morning for exercise, yoga and mediate in the mornings. We would do girl spa days! Followed by great afternoon actives like jet skiing and motorbikes. Of course great dinner with amazing views! To top the night we would have to visit local dance clubs and get a feel for the people and music.

Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
Like to shout out as always the three most important people in my life. All three feed my soul with Positive vibes and encouragement. My mom for showing me I am good enough. Her number one life lesson to me has been you are as good as you believe yourself to be. I walk this planet knowing I am good if not better then most (not cocky but confident) because of her teachings, My sister is my roll dog, we argue like cat and dog. She challenges me in ways I cant describe. Her ability to push me mentally and physically at times as helped me go beyond my wildest dreams. Lastly my big brother is my go to guy for comfort and understanding. He is able to calm me down and always able to show me life needs to be enjoyed.